A/Prof Wendy Gold shares world first rare disease research

In a world first, A/Prof Wendy Gold applied a multi-omic approach to identify blood biomarkers to the rare disease STXBP1. Presented at the STXBP1 Summit conference in Philadelphia 18-19 July 2024, A/Prof Gold received interest from multiple organisations and researchers about the innovative STXBP1 biomarker studies.

Biomarker studies use less invasive blood samples, which then supplement physical and genetic tests, to indicate the pathogenic processes and changes (functional genomics) which may occur as a result of therapeutic treatment.

Wendy says that “Without the Luminesce Alliance (LA) Functional Genomics Enabling Platform and the initial LA funded Rett biomarker study, this research would not have happened.

“The LA Functional Genomics Enabling Platform provides us with much more accessible world class resources and networking -networking- networking”. This is the lifeblood of researchers, being able to connect effortlessly with someone at the top of their field for something that is outside of your field of expertise.

“The initial LA funding has assisted us in gaining further funding from the Medical Research Future Fund grant last year, to look for biomarkers in brain organoids from Rett syndrome patients. The LA Functional Genomics Enabling Platform has also allowed us to expand our work beyond Rett syndrome to include STXBP1 and other rare diseases.

Wendy says most rare disease research is driven by family collectives raising funds to start the research.

“There are 7,000 rare diseases and it is hard for families to fund research support for their rare disease. Because of the increased accessibility afforded to me by the LA Functional Genomics Enabling Platform, it is so rewarding for me to now be able to say to families that yes, I can do this research for you.”

A/Prof Wendy Gold is presenting at the Functional Genomics Session, sponsored by University of Sydney, at the 2024 Luminesce Alliance Conference 7-8 November at UNSW, Sydney.

A/Prof Wendy Gold is an academic in the Faculty of Medicine and Health, School of Medical Sciences, The University of Sydney; is Head of the Molecular Neurobiology Research Group, Kids Neuroscience Centre, Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network and is an Adjunct Research Scientist with the Children’s Medical Research Institute.

About Luminesce Alliance Enabling Platforms

The LA Functional Genomics Platform is one of five LA Enabling Platforms that form a pipeline of functional specialisations across disease areas and organisations. Luminesce Alliance is currently calling for Expressions of Interest in using the LA Functional Genomics Enabling Platform.

 About the Luminesce 2024 Conference: Paediatric Precision Medicine: Advancing research and patient care

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About Luminesce Alliance

Luminesce Alliance is a joint venture between the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network, the Children’s Medical Research Institute, the Children’s Cancer Institute, UNSW Sydney and the University of Sydney. It has been established with the support of the NSW Government to coordinate and integrate paediatric precision medicine research. Luminesce Alliance has made a significant impact in our first four years. Read more.

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Expressions of Interest invited to become part of the THINK Advanced Therapeutics Pipeline Program

The Luminesce Alliance THerapuetic INnovations for Kids (THINK) discovery pipeline is inviting Expressions of interest from researchers and clinician researchers in expanding the proven THINK paediatric cancer program to include rare genetic diseases and neurodevelopmental disorders.

About the pipeline
The pipeline provides access to resources to discover how to identify exciting novel biology that can be translated into new therapeutics for childhood illnesses.
Established by Children’s Cancer Institute, THINK is Australia’s only paediatric-focused drug discovery pipeline for childhood cancers. THINK’s ‘end-to-end’ capability bridges the gap between biological discoveries and translation to clinical trials and commercialisation,with centralised acess to drug discovery and development technologies and expertise. 

Led by A/Prof Greg Arndt, Head of the Australian Cancer Research Foundation (ACRF) Drug Discovery Centre at Children’s Cancer Institute, THINK is part of the Enabling Platforms Program funded by Luminesce Alliance.

THINK was formed within Children’s Cancer Institute to accelerate the development and delivery of new treatments for children with cancer. This program is a disease-agnostic integrated pipeline of technologies, capabilities, and expertise that spans all stages of the drug discovery and development pathway.

The overarching aim of the THINK program within the Luminesce Alliance Advanced Therapeutics Pipeline is to extend the THINK project portfolio to include not only cancer, but also new projects in rare genetic diseases and neurodevelopmental disorders.

To find out more

About Luminesce Alliance Enabling Platforms

The Luminesce Alliance paediatric precision medicine Enabling Platforms are functional specialisations that cross disease areas and Luminesce Alliance member organisations.

The platforms provide support for leading clinicians and researchers to better understand and apply precision medicine.

The Precision Therapy Enabling Platform, one of five platforms, designed to provide a pipeline that bridges the gap between scientific discovery and the development of new drugs for patients.

This Platform has two streams, one of which is the THerapeutic INnovations for Kids (THINK) program, which focuses on discovering and developing novel therapeutics for childhood cancers, genetic diseases, and neurodevelopmental disorders.

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